Map of Fiji

Map of Fiji

Friday, February 26, 2016

A Feel Good Story from Nai'a

Nai'a is a live-aboard dive boat that operates in Fiji ( who has volunteered to be part of our fleet and has been out checking on some of the islands. As Susan mentioned in her last report, they spent the day on Makogai and we just got this feel good story from the owner, Alexxis Edwards.

"The passengers (18) and my crew were all on their way back to the ship after 6.5 hours at Makogai. The passengers did not want to leave until they built a shelter for the children after one of the guest found out that the kids have been sleeping outside on the ground. They took apart one of the downed walls of the school and built a foundation and used nets and scraps to somehow built a roof. The kids now have a sheltered place to sleep. So far so good…. those Shelter Box’s will be wonderful!"

Thank you Alexx for all your crew and passengers' hard work and concern!! You are making a difference!


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