Map of Fiji

Map of Fiji

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Sea Mercy Quad/Trailer Program Is a Huge Success! by Richard Hackett

As we see with any purchase decision, there were some doubts about certain aspects of the Sea Bridge program regarding value and needs. The purchase of the used Quad and trailer was one of them. After our first stop in Makogai and the School Rebuilding project there, we immediately saw the value.
The village and school sits 1/3 of a mile from the beach (1/2 kilometer) and with over 25 tons of lumber, poles, aluminum sheeting, concrete and paint coming, imagine having to carry each item by hand to the building location?
Every time the Landing Craft would bring a load of materials, the volunteers and villagers would smile and tell us over and over again, "thank you for the quad and trailer" (I know my back was happy for it).

We will be wrapping up the Landing Craft deliveries this week and will pull the quad and trailer back to Port Denarau for servicing and reassignment. Thank you Cobra boats for the specially designed trailer and the quad to pull it.

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