Map of Fiji

Map of Fiji

Monday, May 23, 2016

June 1st Launch for Sea Bridge Remote Island Recovery and Rebuilding Program

June 1st is the official launch date of our Sea Bridge Remote Island Recovery and Rebuilding Program and activity in Fiji has reached high gear.

The next wave of Sea Mercy's Disaster Recovery Fleet has just passed Minerva Reef south of Fiji and is set to arrive in Vanuabalavu, Fiji on May 25th. They have had light winds and calms seas for most of their journey along with some rain showers. You can continue to follow their progress at Yachts-In-Transits . Jonathan and Donna Robinson are leading the fleet so look for CHEZ NOUS under "Boat Updates". 

Our new landing craft should be completed around the time the fleet arrives and will help immensely with the recovery efforts. Another huge "THANK YOU" to our donor and to Cobra Boats for all their hard work!! We are still looking for the perfect name for this vessel and you can submit your suggestions by commenting on this post. 

Our first two large projects are currently being organized and are in need of funding and volunteers. Please visit the links below to read about the details of the projects and help spread the word.

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